Articles on: Theme blocks

Product subscription theme app block

Subscription block presents a convenient way for customers to subscribe to courses. Typically added to product pages, this block becomes visible once subscriptions are configured for the product. It simplifies the process for customers to subscribe to ongoing courses, services or webinars, thereby promoting recurring engagement and enhancing the overall user experience.

Available settings for subscription block:

Block header text: Allows you to customize header text for the block where customers select purchase options.

Single charge text: Enables you to specify the text for a one-time purchase option.

Subscriptions label text: Lets you set label text for the subscription payment frequency.

Show subscription options block: When enabled, displays the subscription options block on the page.

These settings allow you to configure subscription options displayed to customers, including the text labels, display options.

This block can be used for product pages.

In this section:

Courses Plus app blocks for Shopify
Adding Courses Plus app blocks to Shopify theme

Updated on: 05/07/2024

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