How to embed a video into a lesson / course from YouTube
Go to Shopify admin and open Courses Plus app. Then select the course that contains the lesson in which you want to embed the video

Click on the Ellipses beside that lesson and select Edit lesson:

Copy embed code from YouTube:

Return to lesson editor and click on video icon among the media tabs

Select Embed, paste the embed code you copied from YouTube into the space provided

Click on Save button
Additionally, it is essential to know that videos embedded from YouTube have No Privacy options (protects your private videos in lessons from being played anywhere outside pages of your store) and after embedding them into lessons / courses.

Click on the Ellipses beside that lesson and select Edit lesson:

Copy embed code from YouTube:

Return to lesson editor and click on video icon among the media tabs

Select Embed, paste the embed code you copied from YouTube into the space provided

Click on Save button
Additionally, it is essential to know that videos embedded from YouTube have No Privacy options (protects your private videos in lessons from being played anywhere outside pages of your store) and after embedding them into lessons / courses.
Updated on: 07/07/2023
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